
Updated information, requirements and deadlines for admission to the 2025/2026 academic year (classes start in late September 2025) will be published starting from 2025.

Admission 2024/2025

Applications to open-admission Master's degree programmes for the academic year 2024/2025 are open from 22 January 2024. The application deadline for non-EU students VISA applicants is 30 April 2024. The application deadline for EU students is 30 June 2024.

The application must be submitted online, through the “Admission application” button (on the bottom of this page). Before that, you have to login into the system, by following the instructions provided at this page.

  1. Submit required documents:
    • Standard documentation: (i) degree certificate - if already graduated - and (ii) transcripts attesting exams taken, grades and credits (ECTS/CFU);
    • Passport/ID card;
    • A short CV;
    • English language certification (if any; please check the list of accepted certificates here);
    • GRE / GMAT results (if any).
  2. Pay the application fee. The payment form is available at the end of the application procedure. Online electronic payments from major circuits are accepted.

Please note: incomplete or multiple submissions will not be considered.

  1. The members of the Admission Board verify if the candidate meets the entry requirements;
  2. Once the entry requirements verified, the Admission Board will assess the qualifications and will decide whether to admit or reject or ask the candidate for an interview (via Skype or other electronic means). In the meanwhile, applicants must take and pass an English test with SLAM, unless they already provided a valid English certificate;
  3. The candidate will receive the letter of admission/rejection, through the students’ application portal, to the e-mail address provided in your online application submission; at this step of the procedure, the International Students' Office will also verify the compliance of provided documents from international applicants;
  4. In case of admission, the applicant will be able to proceed with enrolment and pay the annual fees. As soon as the procedure opens, we kindly suggest proceeding with the enrollment.

Some applicants may be requested an interview (via Skype or Teams). The interview aims at ascertaining the applicants’ personal knowledge, competences, and skills in the core areas of the EPS programme.

The interview aims at ascertaining the applicants' personal knowledge, competences, and skills in the core areas of the EPS programme.

For an idea of the appropriate level of knowledge, competences, and skills, candidates may consider the topics listed in the PDF file.

The EPS admission committee will communicate the result of the evaluation by e‐mail about one week after the interview.

Academic year 2024-25

The programme is intended for top level international students. About 40 students are expected to enrol each year, which will guarantee an optimal ratio between instructors and students.
Admission is based on academic excellence. Applicants should have a bachelor's degree or equivalent; a strong interest and/or previous studies in economics, political science or related subjects; undergraduate or graduate training in mathematics and quantitative methods; a sound knowledge of spoken and written English. The evaluation process will take into consideration the applicants' prior academic record and performance at the interview (see below).
More specifically, applicants who obtained their bachelor's degrees from Italian Universities are eligible for admission if they hold a "laurea" degree belonging to any one of the "classi di laurea" (degree classes) listed below under the heading "Note 1".
Applicants who completed their undergraduate studies in foreign Universities are eligible for admission if they hold a bachelor's degree in economics, political science, or other broadly related subjects (from history to industrial engineering, from management to mathematics, from philosophy to sociology, and so on), provided that their bachelor's degree may be regarded as equivalent to one of the Italian "laurea" degrees listed below. Eligible candidates must meet the following requirements:

a) They must have earned at least 60 ECTS credits or equivalent in the following fields: business administration, computer science, economics, law, management, mathematics, philosophy, political science, sociology or statistics. The ECTS credit value of foreign applicants' undergraduate studies will be assessed by the EPS admissions committee. Applicants holding an Italian bachelor's degree must have earned the required credits within the set of admissible "settori scientifico-disciplinari" (disciplinary scientific sectors) listed below under the heading "Note 2". Among these, at least 6 credits should have been earned within the following "settori-scientifico disciplinari" (disciplinary scientific sectors): MAT/01 - Logica matematica; MAT/02 - Algebra; MAT/03 - Geometria; MAT/05 - Analisi matematica; MAT/06 - Probabilità e statistica matematica; MAT/08 - Analisi numerica; MAT/09 - Ricerca operativa; SECS-S/06 - Metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze attuariali e finanziarie. Applicants who completed their undergraduate studies in foreign Universities should exhibit a comparable academic record or competence in logics, statistics and mathematics. Candidates will have the possibility to participate to crash-courses of Micro and Macroeconomics, Mathematics and Statistics organized by the Department. The crash-courses are meant to boost the skills in these three fields. In the absence of the above requirements, applicants can also prove that they have adequate quantitative skills through satisfactory results in the GRE or GMAT tests.

b) Proficiency in English at a B2 level or higher per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission. The B2-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate of B2 or higher level issued no more than three years before the date of admission application. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificate to the application;
- Placement test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website:
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the placement test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the placement test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see: and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.

c) GRE or GMAT results, if provided by applicants, will be taken into account.

Applicants meeting the above requirements will be invited to a skype interview.

Note 1: L-5 Filosofia; L-8 Ingegneria dell'informazione; L-9 Ingegneria industriale; L-16 Scienze dell'amministrazione e dell'organizzazione; L-18 Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale; L-20 Scienze della comunicazione; L-30 Scienze e tecnologie fisiche; L-31 Scienze e tecnologie informatiche; L-32 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e la natura; L-33 Scienze economiche; L35 Scienze matematiche; L-36 Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali; L-37 Scienze sociali per la cooperazione, lo sviluppo e la pace; L-39 Servizio sociale; L-40 Sociologia; L-41 Statistica; L-42 Storia

Note 2: INF/01- Informatica; ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni; ING-IND/35 - Ingegneria economicogestionale; IUS/01 - Diritto privato; IUS/04 - Diritto commerciale; IUS/05 - Diritto dell'economia; IUS/07 - Diritto del lavoro; IUS/08 - Diritto costituzionale; IUS/09 - Istituzioni di diritto pubblico; IUS/10 - Diritto amministrativo; IUS/13 - Diritto internazionale; IUS/21 - Diritto pubblico comparato; MAT/01 - Logica matematica; MAT/02 - Algebra; MAT/03 - Geometria; MAT/05 - Analisi matematica; MAT/06 - Probabilità e statistica matematica; MAT/08 - Analisi numerica; MAT/09 - Ricerca operativa; M-FIL/01 - Filosofia teoretica; M-FIL/02 - Logica e filosofia della scienza; M-FIL/03 - Filosofia morale; SECS-P/01 - Economia politica; SECS-P/02 - Politica economica; SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle finanze; SECS-P/04 - Storia del pensiero economico; SECS-P/05 - Econometria; SECS-P/06 - Economia applicata; SECS-P/07 - Economia aziendale; SECS-P/08 - Economia e gestione delle imprese; SECS-P/09 - Finanza aziendale; SECS-P/10 - Organizzazione aziendale; SECS-P/11 - Economia degli intermediari finanziari; SECS-P/12 - Storia economica; SECS-S/01 - Statistica; SECS-S/03 - Statistica economica; SECS-S/04 - Demografia; SECS-S/05 - Statistica sociale; SECS-S/06 - Metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze attuariali e finanziarie; SPS/01 - Filosofia politica; SPS/02 - Storia delle dottrine politiche; SPS/03 - Storia delle istituzioni politiche; SPS/04 - Scienza politica; SPS/07 - Sociologia generale; SPS/08 - Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi; SPS/09 - Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro; SPS/10 - Sociologia dell?ambiente e del territorio; SPS/11 - Sociologia dei fenomeni politici


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 30/06/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Attachments and documents

Admission notice

Please note

Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2024. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be evaluated and it will in no case be possible to request the refund of the admission fee.

Further information

For students enrolled on bachelor’s, master’s and single cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments of different amounts and with different payment deadlines:

  • the first, corresponding to the minimum amount, is the same for all students 
  • the second - technically referred to as an ‘all-inclusive fee’-  that is variable.

The University provides:

  • no tax area for students on track with exams and not on track with exams for one year with ISEE certification until 30.000 €.
  • Fees exemption on account of merit, income or disability, or if they meet other specific requirements;
  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements;
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad;
Scholarships and benefits

The University also provides:

  • Part-time study 
  • Financial aid, refectory service, accommodation,
  • Awards and scholarships

Students who decide to study in Italy often find themselves thrown into a system and a culture which are very different from those of their own countries; they must also deal with unfamiliar and, at times, complex bureaucratic procedures.

At our University they can now count on the Welcome Desk, a service designed for students, doctoral students and interns who have come to Milan for the first time, but also to those who already live in the city and need to verify the validity of academic qualifications obtained abroad in order to enrol on one of our courses.

The Welcome Desk aims at being the international students’ point of reference for all the initial necessities of your new adventure in Milan and at Unimi.

Welcome Desk
via S. Sofia, 9/1 – 20122 Milan

The office only receives by appointment. Book through the Informastudenti service by selecting the "INTERNATIONAL" category once logged in. Applicants who have not enrolled yet should register here as external users first.